Monday, 30 May 2016

President Putin facilitates the "Space of Love" concept in Russia

This article features on my other blog "Co-creating Our New Earth"
by Bronwyn Llewellyn

In January 2015 Russia parliament created a bill that embraced the principle thing that Anastasia suggests for all nations to do:

- For the governments of the world to GIFT to all families of that nation what she termed "a Space of Love" or a "Kin's Domain". This is an area of land that a couple, a group of retirees, or a "family" (a very wide definition here) would establish for themselves and their children and grandchildren, into perpetuity. This would involve putting up your permanent buildings and out-houses such as sheds, woodwork shop, chicken coops, fish farming processing plant, home dairy (cheese, yoghut, etc production), milking shed, piggery, etc... (whatever YOU and your family want!) and planting your permanent fruiting trees and berries, and your timber trees for future generations, and obviously, establishing your vegetable garden. In English-language terms, a "Kin's Domain" would be the family's or the group's "homestead".

Anastasia specified that the area of land GIVEN to each couple or family should be 2.5 acres (approx) or One Hectare (just as Russian Deputy PM Yuri Tretnev proposed pre-2015) - so people can plant their own crops, raise small animals, have space for their children to run around and learn about nature, keep bees, enjoy each other's company and welcome people outside of the family.

Anastatia envisaged (in "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" books published in Russian in 1996), that these "Kins Domains" or "Spaces of Love" would eventually return the whole world back to the "Garden Paradise" that it was originally: PEOPLE living on the land would work on creating a beautiful and useful garden on their "Kins Domain" and thereby, all efforts would return the whole world back to its original pristine condition... A "garden of paradise".

Please see the full articles here >>

Vladimir Putin travelled into the taiga with a group of scientists to see a tigress that had been caught in a trap.
Image - Vladimir Putin's personal website
Vladimir Putin enjoys watching animals in their natural habitat and taking part in scientific projects. He is Chairman of the Russian Geographical Society’s Board of Trustees, and is actively engaged in the protection of rare species by overseeing the respective programmes.

“I am deeply impressed by the very mission of the Russian Geographical Society: “To inspire people to love Russia.” This shows the desire to help the Russian public and the entire world discover Russia’s beauty, diversity and originality, and to present its authentic image."


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