Tuesday 21 June 2016

Update: 1623 "Far hectare" applications in process by June 17, 2016

Applications for "Far hectare" are being received at the rate of 100 per day.
All applications received so far number 1623. Applications opened on June 1, 2016 (17 days total).

Economy & Business June 17, 2016

"Statistics show that the law has appeared in demand population", stated the Head of the Presidential Administration Department envoy in the Far Eastern Federal District Nikolay Shevtsov.

Image -  Settlement Burukhin, Kemerovo region

KHABAROVSK. June 17, 2016 by Tass Mingazov 

Applications for "Far hectare" received 100 per day, since the beginning of the first phase of implementation of the law received more than 1.6 thousand. Applications, with eight applicants signed the contract on gratuitous use of land. This was announced by Head of Department of the presidential administration envoy in the Far Eastern Federal District (DFO) Nikolay Shevtsov.

The law was launched two weeks ago, in the "pilot" mode, in nine areas of the Far East. The statistics show that the law has appeared in demand population. To date, received 1623 applications, plus 100 applications every day. 650 thousand visits to the portal" - Na DalniyVostok.

Citizenship "during this time", as said by Shvetsov, opening the House of official receptions of the Khabarovsk Krai government roundtable on measures of support recipients hectares.

Shevtsov added that Rosreestr registered eight contracts for gratuitous use of land plots, five of them - in the "pilot" Amur Khabarovsk region, nine contracts are in the process of registration. According to the number of citizens in the lead Primorsky Krai, in second place - Khabarovsk region with 21% of calls in total.

"Today we need to discuss issues pertaining to applications of the hectares in the Khabarovsk region and work with citizens who are willing to obtain land," said the representative of the embassy of the president in DFO.

According to Shevtsova, the implementation of a new mechanism for the issuance of land will provide new sources of income in those areas where large industrial projects are impossible, and will help the most remote and inaccessible regions of the Far East.

From 1 June residents in DFO (Far East) can only apply for the region they live in, and only in the "pilot" municipalities of their regions.

In Khabarovsk Krai is the Amur region. It has an area of ​​1.6 million hectares. There is agricultural land (31 thousand hectares), forest land (1 million hectares). The municipality has a well developed transportation and energy infrastructure. The total area for the possible use of the land is about 1 million hectares, which is about 66% of the district area.

From October 1 land will be provided throughout the territory of the Far East and only for residents of DFO (anywhere in the Far East).

On February 1, 2017 the land under the new law will be able to get all of the citizens of Russia. [including naturalized Russians who have migrated from other countries]

More on TASS:

Image -  Settlement "Sunny Meadow". Location: Tomsk region

Here's the original article in Russian...

Заявки на "дальневосточный гектар" поступают по 100 в день, всего принято 1623 заявки

Экономика и бизнес  17 июня, 5:20 UTC+3
"Статистика показывает, что закон оказался востребован населением", - констатировал начальник департамента аппарата полпреда президента в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Николай Шевцов

ХАБАРОВСК, 17 июня. /Корр. ТАСС Сергей Мингазов/. Заявки на "дальневосточный гектар" поступают по 100 за сутки, всего с начала первого этапа реализации закона поступило свыше 1,6 тыс. заявок, с восемью заявителями подписаны договора о безвозмездном пользовании землей. Об этом сообщил начальник департамента аппарата полпреда президента в Дальневосточном федеральном округе (ДФО) Николай Шевцов.

"Закон стартовал две недели назад, стартовал в "пилотном" режиме в девяти районах регионов Дальнего Востока. Статистика показывает, что закон оказался востребован населением. На сегодняшний день поступило 1623 заявки, плюсом по 100 заявок каждый день. 650 тысяч посещений портала "НаДальнийВосток.рф" за это время", - сказал Шевцов, открывая в Доме официальных приемов правительства Хабаровского края заседание круглого стола о мерах поддержки получателей гектаров.

Шевцов добавил, что Росреестр зарегистрировал восемь договоров о безвозмездном пользовании земельными участками, пять из них - в "пилотном" Амурском районе Хабаровского края, еще девять договоров находятся в стадии регистрации. По количеству обращений граждан лидирует Приморский край, на втором месте - Хабаровский край с 21% обращений в общем количестве.

"Сегодня мы должны обсудить, как организована работа по выдаче гектаров в Хабаровском крае и работа с гражданами, которые готовы получить земельный участок", - сказал представитель полпредства президента в ДФО. По мнению Шевцова, реализация нового механизма выдачи земли даст новые источники доходов на тех территориях, где крупные промышленные проекты невозможны, и поможет самым отдаленным и недоступным районам Дальнего Востока.

С 1 июня подать заявку на получение участка могут только жители ДФО и только в "пилотных" муниципальных образованиях своих регионов. В Хабаровском крае это Амурский район. Его площадь составляет 1,6 млн га, здесь есть земли сельскохозяйственного назначения (31 тыс. га), земли лесов (1 млн га), в муниципальном образовании хорошо развита транспортная и энергетическая инфраструктура. Общая площадь возможных для использования земель составляет около 1 млн га, это примерно 66% от площади района.

С 1 октября участки будут предоставляться на всей территории Дальнего Востока и только для жителей ДФО. С 1 февраля 2017 года землю по новому закону смогут получить все граждане России.

Подробнее на ТАСС:

Saturday 18 June 2016

Russian Anastasia-inspired eco-villages are looking for residents

Find more Russian settlements here:

Сказочный Край added 10 new photos.
November 3, 2014

Fabulous home fairy tale of the province, as noticed recently our guest Alexander papshev - grow like mushrooms!

Here is far from all the buildings : ) There's still two Brusovykh House, a couple of skeletal, cosy cabins and residential greenhouses. And how many more will be built! And indeed our entire village for a year and a half.

But the main thing is at the edge of the fairy-tale live fabulous residents : )  Last winter in the settlement of Zimovalo four of the family. And in the winter of 2014-2015 we already have (at least) 12 zimuyushchikh families with a bunch of babies. And a few more families to rent a house in neighbouring pages, started the improvements of their ancestral estates.

Invite good neighbours!  : ) 


Waiting for strong families with children and young couples, ready to move quickly on the ground (for 1-2 years)! We are happy to like-minded, willing to create space for love in the earth for a fairy-tale the edge!



СКАЗОЧНЫЕ ДОМА Сказочного Края, как заметил недавно наш гость Александр Папшев, - растут как грибы!

Здесь далеко не все строения)) Еще есть 2 брусовых дома, несколько каркасных, уютные вагончики и жилые теплицы. А сколько еще будет построено! А ведь нашему поселению всего полтора года.
Но главное - в Сказочном Краю живут сказочные жители)) В прошлую зиму в поселении зимовало четыре семьи. А в зиму 2014-2015 - у нас уже (минимум) 12 зимующих семей с кучей деток. И еще несколько семей снимают дома в соседних станицах, начали обустройство своих родовых поместий.

Приглашаем добрых соседей!)) http://skaz-kray.ru/o-nas/novichkam/
Ждём крепкие семьи с детьми и молодые пары, готовые к быстрому переезду на землю (за 1-2 года)! Мы рады единомышленникам, желающим создавать Пространства Любви на земле Сказочного Края!


Find more Russian settlements here:

Anastasia's "dream" of governments giving free land has come true !!


The 'dream' started to take effect in Russia in 1996 when copies of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" started to be sold in the streets of Moscow by author Vladimir Megre​. The books were inspired by Megre's visits to the Siberian recluse, Anastasia. It is Anastasia's 'dream' for humanity to be all gifted 1 hectare (2.5 acres) of land per family. We become guardians of that land and in turn, take our sustenance from it. We learn once again to align ourselves to our Motherlands. We form communities or villages using collaborative and permaulture principles.

Already, only after a very short 20 years, this 'dream' of Anastasia's is coming true for humanity. Do you know what a miracle this is ?? Do you know how many thousands of years it has taken for people with "dark intent" to bring humanity under its control? And here, Anastasia has undone all of this in 20 short years.

Keep going humanity !! Seize the day !!

This is the generation of people who will return to the land, and complete the mission of returning the whole of our Mother Earth to her pristine origins... just as Anastasia told us would happen in the books. It is happening now... Humanity is taking back their land now !! Miracles are happening in front of our eyes.

And of course, we owe a debt of gratitude to the people of Russia, for embracing Anastasia's dream and moving back onto the land in Russia. A million "Thank yous" to you all. You are saving humanity. How can we ever thank you for creating the way. We know it has been a struggle for so many to get there, onto your 'family estates'. But you achieved it. And now the doors are opening for people all over the world to do the same. You have shown us the way. Thank you.

Much love ~ ~ ~

BronnyNZ and the world.

Image - The settlement "Fairy Land", Krasnodar region

Fairy edge
Our House - a wonderful wonderful region. 
Giving light to all people of good will has everything to be happy in this world.
The beautiful garden, wonderful forest, river nourishes our lands.
And at sunrise Mountain lights. 

Plenty of room for thinking fast here
Where have enough room for everyone who wants to be a creator. 

Where Ancestral land revive the great race that will help us Gods and Mother earth.
A piece of paradise will revive us on the earth.
And he will grow from year to year, giving love and happiness to the people .
After all, he will be open to anyone who wants to be happy and with each passing day more and more will be bright days in the world.
That will be to his credit! 

Our House - a beacon for wayward, lost souls in the darkness of the night.
We will renew the former that was hidden from us.
Giving people remember who we are!
And do not forget! 

Settlement of patrimonial estates - whom we expect to whom we are pleased
We are glad good light to people who want to live in a happy world,
Who think clean and in word and in fact,
Who heaven on earth ready to create and race a mighty reviving,
Living in harmony with nature. 

The settlement ancestral homes - lifestyle, goals -
We live together, we have everything you need.
We help each other, all the issues together to solve.
There have we have common goals, we have the general idea. 

If you're willing to be with us, forward, let us!
we will do the world brighter and nicer people!


If consciousness awoke and reached out to the light,
If you are ready to create and co-create heaven on earth thought,
We are waiting for you! And waiting for our Mother Earth.

But there are simple rules we have:
Smoking and drinking is forbidden! 
Grass himself, at least, stupid. 
It not for man was created.

Still there is one rule: 
Kill animals is prohibited, because the brothers made smaller to love and protect, not to give offense.

About collective settlements
Friendly staff, all issues are resolved at the cop.

Contact Information:

+7 953 09 00 125 
8909 469 55 30
+7 909 446 19 46
8918 07 10 222

Monday 13 June 2016

We re-Vision China with You Jun. Join with us. Take back the land!

Image source

I wish for China, my Motherland, to be free!

May her rivers flow with life, vigor and purity!

Her soil and land to be restored to health and fresh food aplenty for all people!

The air to be clean, fresh, and filled with bird song!

When our land is once again restored to pristine beauty, her people will once more be free!

May all of China's people dream about a future in which they all will be free!

A future in which all people may partake freely from God's own abundance and kindness!

- by You Jun, Singapore
Ancestral homeland, South China

Beautiful You Jun
Thank you

We co-create this beatiful dream with you for your homelands in China.

Conversation source:  https://www.facebook.com/Anastasia.raamat/

Paintings of China are supplied by You Jun:

"These are old drawings of China, they have a very peaceful quality to them." 



Sunday 12 June 2016

"Even today everyone can build a home" - Anastasia the Vedrus

This post continues on from the previous post on this blog:
"You are not alone. Paradise will appear as a conjoint co-creation."

At the end of Chapter 25 of Book 4 "Co-creation" of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series by Vladimir Megre (1998) , Vladimir asks Anastasia:

"What is the most important thing?"

We will continue with excerpts from Chapter 26...


The Ringing Cedars of Russia by Vladimir Megre, Book 4 "Co-creation"

Chapter 26  (excerpts)

"The most important thing, Vladimir, is that even today everyone can build a home. Everyone can feel God with their soul and live in Paradise. One single moment is all that separates Paradise from people living on Earth today. Each one possesses conscious awareness within. When dogmas do not interfere with this awarness, then look Vladimir, at what can come to pass..."

"It only takes a moment. You will understand everthing in just a moment of time. And everyone will undertand - the readers, yours and mine...

"Within themselves they will define the essence of the Earth, and become aware of their destined purpost. Right this moment Vladimir, see... right this moment we shall in our thoughts build our home! I and all of them too. And I assure you indeed that the thought of each one of them will be brought into contact with the thought of God. The gates of Paradise will open..."

"We shall build a home together with those who will come later, who come into contact with your written words. All human thought will merge together into one. Believe me, people have God's ability within them to turn what they conceive into reality. And many a home will stand upon the land. And each one in their own homes will be able to grasp everything first hand. They will be able to feel and understnad the aspiration of the Divine dream. We shall build a home! I and you and all of them too!"

Anastasia was literally trembling with joyful excitement. She was reaching out to people and I found myself growing more and more interested in her design. And at first it seemed simple to me, yet at the same time, I had the feeling as though this recluse, Anastasia, was revealing to everyone a most extraordinary secret. The who secret was in utter simplicity, and if I can remember the event in order, this is how they all went.

Anastasia continued:

"First, choose for yourself a place of your own you like the best, of all the pleasing spaces on the Earth - a space where you would like to live and would like your children to live out their lives... The climate too must be favourable for you. Take one hectare (2.5 acres) of land in that place for yourself in perpetuity."

"... Our Motherland is extensive... The time has now come when we must begin acting on this cause, and take advantage of the most favourable of all the existing laws."

[Please remember, Anastasia said these things to Vladimir Megre in 1995 and 1998. Her words indeed reach across time and space.]

Anastasia:  "We need at once to plan a law so that everyone may have his own parcel of ground, his own Motherland..."

[This law has now been passed for the Far East Russian region for this very thing to happen. It was passed in the Russian Duma on May 1, 2016. It will now continue to happen in various regions of countries all around the world. This next bit is very important... ]

Anastasia continues: "Whether or not and to what degree the country fourishes as a state, depends on this. And if there is no appropriate law at the moment, well, you will have to make one...  If there is no party capable of enshrining into law everyone's right to their Motherland, you will have to form such a party."

Vladimir: "And who will set it up?"

Anastasia: "Those who will read about the home we are creating and become aware of what a Motherland means to each one, to each Man living today, and to the future of the whole Earth."

Anastasia: "What could you do if your were standing on your own land?"

Image - Settlement Dobrosvet, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia

Friday 10 June 2016

"You are not alone. Paradise will appear as a conjoint co-creation."

Image - "Anastasia-Vladimir Megre" facebook Page.

Ringing Cedars of Russia
Book 4 - "Co-creation"
Chapter 24 - "Take back your Motherland, people"  (excerpts)

"We need to tell everyone, Vladimir: "Take back your Motherland, people!"  Anastasia continued:

"Most people living on this planet today have no Motherland at all...  We need to begin our discussion with what constitutes birth."

Anastasia:  "Do you consider that one's Motherland must be measured by sonmeone's arbitrarily determined border?  ... But if there were no borders, how could you determine your Motherland then?"

Vladimir Megre [author]: "By the place I was born - the town or village..."

Vladimir: "Tell me then, how you see or how you picture the generation of the family - the birth and raising of children, in today's prevailing conditions. And how all the children of Man [all humans] can be born happy. Can you construct a plan or draw me a picture?"

Anastasia: "I can."

[Vladimir couldn't focus on any of Anastasia's answers to this any longer. He then, in a very agitated state, began asking himself a myriad of questions in his own mind and began pacing around on the grass of Anastasia's glade. The flow of his thoughts went like this, as written by Megre in Book 4 ... ]

Vladimir (in his mind):
"How does she [Anastasia] happen to know not only the outward details of our lives, but many people's inner feelings too? What are the possibilities of this incomprehensible 'science of imagery'?   
"She sits in the taiga, far removed from the bustling day-to-day life of cities and nations, far removed from wars and all the troubles of the civilised world. But what if she actually knows this science of imagery to perfection? 
"What if she can use it to influence people and society, and in a more powerful way than all our governments, parliaments and religious denominations?  Incredible!  A fantasy! But... There are actual concrete facts which confirm this. Incredible facts indeed!  They really do exist!"
[Vladimir was thinking all of the above in spring of 1998, in around April in Russia. Fast-forward 18 years...  Links at the end.] 
Vladimir Megre:  "Right there in the first book, I outlined what she said on this subject. Back then there was nothing as yet. At the time, her words seemed like incredible nonsense, like a fantasy. But every thing came about exactly as she had said [in 1996]. And now, even as I am writing these lines, incredible things have been happening...  It is hard to believe that Anastasia's image [continually held visualization] is actually changing the consciousness of society.

"It was she herself who said that Siberian villages would be regenerated, and that children would start coming back to their parents...

"This image of her is beginning to lead people somewhere. But where? By what power? Who is helping her? Is it possible she herself posses some kind of incredeble power hitherto unknown? ... While intellectuals are arguing over whether or not she exists at all, she is simply taking action. The results of her actions can be seen, touched and tasted. What is this science of imagery?

[Vladimir decides to ask her the question outright:]

Vladimir Megre: "Tell me, Anastasia...  Tell me, do you have a perfect knowledge of the science of imagery?"
Anastasia:  "I know what my forefather/s taught... I have endeavoured to find out and feel new things on my own."

Vladimir: "Just as I thought! You are more of an expert than anyone else of the science of imagery. You have created your own image and placed it before people [in the form of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" books]...

Anastasia: "Vladimir. I have not concealed anything from you."

Anastasia: "I want to image, bring alive, the image of God to people. I want to make His grand dream clear to everyone, so that every living person may feel His [sic] aspiration of love. The children of people on the Earth today will live in His Paradise. I am not alone. You are not alone. And Paradise will appear as a conjoint co-creation."

God - meaning the "ever vibrant presence of creator"
His - 'God' has no gender
every living person  - A 'person' is a fictional mask/entity in law. Preferred: "human being"

[Vladimir then entered into various objections with Anastasia saying he didn't want to write about "God".]

Vladimir Megre: "Anyway, what am I saying? You can predict everything that's going to happen ahead of time. So tell me, who will be against you, and who will help you? Will there be anyone, in fact, who comes to your assistance?"   [I for one, the author of this blog 'BronnyNZ' is helping Anastasia bring about here "dream".] 

[Anastasia replied and said that 'help' had already come, in regard to Vladimir's questions about "God" and who in the church would support Anastasia's position.]

Anastasia: "But, most importantly, there will be impulses of inspiration among all ordinary people..." 

Anastasia then ceased talking and lowered her eyes... "Forgive me - I fear I am not making myself clear to your heart. Things are not working out at the moment [in 1998] on my part, but I shall try to be clearer, only let the people hear..."

Vladimir Megre: "About what?"

Anastasia: "About what others have tried for a thousand years to hide from them. About how it takes hardly a moment for any one of them to entr the Creator's pristine garden and there bring about splendid conjoint creations with [Creator]."

[After Vladimir pondered Anastasia's words for some time, only then did he start to feel the significance of her words:]

"Take back your Motherland, people!"

Vladimir Megre:  "I see how it's all going to come about. I see that if you can so easily bring out images of life of thousands of years ago, that means you must know all religious teachings and treatises, and that you will reveal them to people?"

A: I know the teachings that called forth reverence among people.
V: All of them?"
A: Yes, all of them.
V: And the Vedic scriptures you can translate in their entirely?
A: I can. Only why waste time on that?
V: But look, don't you want mankind to know about those ancient theaching? Tell me about them, and I shall write about them in my next book."
A: And what then? What do you think will be the net benefit to mankind?
V: What d'you man? They'll become wiser.

[This next bit is really important >> ]

A: Vladimir, the whole nature of the dark forces' trap is that with their multitude of teachings, they try to conceal the most important thing from Man [self-realised humanity, both male and female]. By presenting a portion of truth - only for the mind - in their treatises, they deliberately lead people away from the most important thing."

V: Then why do people call the ones that present such teachings 'wise men'?
A: Vladimir, if you will allow me, I shall tell you a parable. It is a parable that a thousand years ago was whispered by wise men to each other in some secluded spot. For many centuries now, no-one has heard this parable.
V: Then go ahead and tell it to me, if you think that the parable may be helpful in explaining something.

[This is the end of the chapter, excerpts above of pp. 136-143.]

You will find the parable in Chapter 25, Book 4 "Co-creation" here >>

You can read the whole of Chapter 24, Book 4 "Co-creation" here >>

Footnotes: The term Anastasia used which is translated "Motherland" is the Russian word "rodina". The word "rodina" conveys a deep reverence to one's ancestors, responsibility for descendants and an intimate connection to the land one's family lives on. "Rodina" is derived from two Russian roots connected by 'i' = 'and'. "Rod" is the name of God the Creator in the ancient Slavic tradition - it also signifies 'origin, derivation, birth, kin, and father - hence: patrimony'. "Na" is a root syllable signifying "mother". It's quite possibly the same root we find in the Latin 'natus' (born) from which we get 'native' and 'nature'. Therefore:  Rod i Na (father and mother) takes on the broader significance of one's family (or 'kin') and by assiciation came to refer to the particular geographical location occupied by succeeding generations of the same family. We need to be aware that it is the 'native' or 'family' aspect more than the 'land' component that is significant in understanding the term "Motherland".

+ + +

In te reo Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand, we have two words that describe these ideas:

(1)  whakapapa - that's your geneology, your ancestral line
(2)  tūrangawaewae - that's the place where you put your feet (your home-ground - your whenua).  Your turangawaewae is the physical place where your ancestors (tupuna) also put their feet. You have connection

Please see Note (4) on whakapapa - "... genealogy, genealogical table, lineage, descent - reciting whakapapa was, and is, an important skill and reflected the importance of genealogies in Māori society in terms of leadership, land and fishing rights, kinship and status. It is central to all Māori institutions."

Therefore:  The land where you put your feet is inextricably tied to where your ancestral lineage also put their feet.  I'm sure many other cultures around the world have words meaning these similar things.

+ + +

Articles and news updates - May-June 2016.
All of the following are links...

"Kins Domains" Anastasia-inspired eco-villages in Russia

Russian Federal law passed May 1, 2016 re: "Far hectare" land

Russian "Far hectare" legal document May 1, 2016 - in Russian

Kin's domains (family estates) is a national idea of Russia

Russia "Free Hectare" website crashed on first day - 400,000 hits


Creating your own "Space of Love" kins domain or family estate

Image -  Homepage of the Rivendell website

Fundamental principles:

  • Ecological living in harmony with nature and from a deep respect for all life
  • Creating a space of love for yourself and your loved ones at a family property (1 hectare permaculture garden) 
  • Striving for the greatest possible form of self-sufficiency and autonomy 
  • A village community removed, where like-minded people to share their knowledge, creativity and passion.
  • Offering sustainable and viable solutions to the many social and global challenges 
  • Developing a new pedagogy with the basic universal truth that lives in every soul 
  • A return to simplicity, essence, peace and solidarity

 Source:  http://www.rivendellvillage.org/

Thursday 9 June 2016

Russia "Free Hectare" website crashed on first day - 400,000 hits

Трутнев: поток желающих получить "дальневосточный гектар" обрушил сайт проекта

I have tears of happiness forming in my eyes when I read this article:
Here is "the project" being referred to...  

Explanation in English:

"Stream of the Russians, wishing to receive hectare of the land in the Far East, has brought down a site of the project", Trutnev said. As he said, it is already submitted with over 400 thousand requests to have this Land for free.

"The first 12 hours of the beginning of action of the law per information system, it is registered with 55 thousand references/posts . As a result, the website was dead, and we courageously were working on it for 2-3 hours, to get it fixed." - Trutnev has informed board of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on progress of the Far East Bill.

"We would like to remind, that the person/ family should show their intent of how this piece of Land is going to be used accordingly to existing Law of Russian Federation during 5 years. If , within five years, the citizen has mastered the Land, agreement will be automatically prolonged."

- posted by Tatsiana Maiseyeva​ <3 <3

Please Share and show the world how quickly the solutions are coming !! 
We are all a part of the solution. Keep sharing !!

Here is the Google Translate version of this post:

The flow of Russians who want a hectare of land in the Far East, brought down the website of the project, told the presidential envoy in the region, Yuri Trutnev. According to him, in general, it has already registered more than 400,000 hits.

"For the first 12 hours of operation of the law in the information system registered 55 thousand hits a result of the site depends, and 2-3 hours we courageously taken out of this state." - Said Trutnev said at the board meeting of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on the development of the Far East.

Recall the law on free allocation to citizens of Russia "Far Eastern hectare" came into force yesterday. The only significant requirement of the state to the Russians, to get the land, it is the need for the development of over 5 years in the framework of Russian legislation. If a citizen for five years mastered the land for agriculture, business, forestry or hunting, the term of land use will be renewed automatically.

View full: http://politrussia.com/news/trutnev-potok-zhelayushchikh-720/

Kamchatka lies at around 55 degrees north. The "Far hectare" free land give-away in the East lays from around 45 degrees north to 70 degrees north. The arctic circle lies at around 67 degrees north. 

 Mark Angelo/Special to The Vancouver Sun

Other countries at 50 degrees north and above includes:  Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, USA - Washington state, Oregan, Idaho, north Wyoming, Montana, Nth Dakota, Sth Dakota, Minnesota, north Wisconsin, north Michegan, north Vermont, Maine; all of Canada.

Malmo in the south of Sweden is at 55 degrees north - the same as Kamchatka. Last summer, Malmo had around a month of 30 celcius degree temperature days - that's 86 farenheit.  So don't worry about the "Far East" being under snow all the time. It's not!

Just think "Pippi Longstocking", and that's the sort of weather the Far East of Russia will offer you.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

How to conduct community affairs: The community agreement

"Praise to the Sun" by Michael Shirokov:
Image - Artist's conceptualisation of Siberia during the time of the "Vedrus".

The following translation was done by Google Translate.  Sadly, quite a bit of the translation is in broken English, but with enough indicators so we can still understand the intention of what was being written. Where the meaning is nearly indecipherable, i've offered some translation that i'll get checked by a native Russian speaker.

The following was translated from this webpage:

Community agreement for "Settlement Vedrussia"
Published 19/11/2013

Create a "Space of Love" so that fills the soul with joy at the sight of it, to live forever as Love it wanted. Love that embraces all: You, Family, People, Nature.

To the target path was shorter response we keep to one another and to their conscience:

[Offered translation:  The quick path to achieve what we want is to have clear communication and honourable relationships with one another, and to uphold these agreements in good conscience.]

1. For cleanliness of land, water and air in this space.

2. For the fertility of the soil and the ways leading to it.

3. For the life of animals, of which going to start. Think first: what you are. That life with you bring them? And will the neighbors in the joy of this cohabitation?

[Offered translation: Think about the animals you want... Do you actually need them for the "dream" you hold for your land? What quality of life will you give them? What quality of life will they have? Will your neighbours enjoy living beside the animals you want on your land?]

4. For those habits, koi are harmful to our health. It is better to get rid of them. Himself for the benefit and for the benefit of the people.

[Note: I'm not sure what 'koi' is. Could it be "carp" (fish) ?? ]

Who burden responsible said, let her wait for hours outside our communities, because the time for all of their own.

[Offered translation:  Everyone comes to their family estate in their own good time, when they are ready. Feel no guilt or responsibility for not being there yet. You still have lessons to learn before this happens for you.]

On the way to dreams and to the objectives of our possible disputes. And here it is time to say pure thoughts. The harmony of all the senses, energy and emotion - their completeness and balance one that creates peace and joy around, love and respect. Kohl is there - the thoughts are pure.

[Offered translation: On the way to our dreams for our life on the land, there may be possible disputes with others. If this happens, simply allow "pure thoughts" to always reside in your heart and be expressed - in balance, hamony, in all of your senses, in feelings of the energies flowing through you, and in your emotions. Let the things in dispute be resolved in a balanced way - in a way that continues to allow peace, joy, love and respect all around. "Kohl" [not sure. this is what I feel from the word]: Resolution remains within you for apeaceful settlement when your thoughts are pure.]

The unity of the two faces: the families and the family estate to our homeland creates descendants. With the birth of the perfection of knowing they will be able to a communication experience with the universe, the big affinity with small, transient with prebuduschim forever. And bring the world of beauty, love and goodness, multiplying them from generation to generation.

We combine the power of our, good, love and understanding of the world and of forgotten ancestors will return to their repentance in the soul to return to the planet of our garden blossom, fill it again radiance of love and perfection.

Before creation, it will be reasonable:

- Aim to determine the possible consequences of achievements, advantages and disadvantages of it, as is the case for the people will respond, and are now living descendants. Whether or demolish bring harmony.

- Designate the desired time-bound targets; sub-goals, if the accomplishment of great.

- Agree on who is responsible to all men [and women] for the achievement of the desired goal. For the money it will work, or deemed for the joy of his power to fill a movement common to the dream - you need to agree to the satisfaction of everyone, the consequences of checking on Conscience and Mind.

- After contemplating the imminent creation, determine what tools are needed for it, and where to find them.

Common Code (principles of good neighborliness)

  • We create a family estate settlement (PDP), where every inhabitant settlement can equip their ancestral homes (RP), as described in the books "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series.
  • Family estate is inviolable property of its founder and his family and their descendants. Family estate created for the recovery of its founder Rod, and consolidation of land as a small country for his family.
  • We are happy to help each other in the creation of a new happy life style, as well as contribute to the appearance of RP settlements.
  • The Council of settlements "Sinegorye-Vedrussiya" - is organizing an actuator:
- Legal support of the development of settlements
- The distribution of resources for the settlement of all participants on the principle of equality and justice
- Holding joint events and environmental activities
- Reception guests
  • Settle in the Republic of Poland, people in co-creation with the Divine Nature can best fulfill its purpose as a son of the earth-mother and her creator-God.
  • The compound of three points, three senses, the three planes of existence for conception, gestation and birth of children in the space of the Republic of Poland, it is possible and necessary.
  • Parenting starts with educating yourself. Educating children to respect parents, elders and its kind includes working parents initially on themselves, striving to be an example for children (helping to approach the divine way of life).
  • The main indicator of the culture we understand the maintenance and development of the purity and harmony of nature. Recreating the soil and the natural balance, the recovery of seed stock, creating a self-sufficient ecosystem in each RP to fully meet the needs of families living on it.
  • Neighbourhood is one of the most important principles of mutual relations in the settlement. Since the neighbors are attracted to us without reason, look into them, like in the mirror, see themselves and their actions.
  • On the other, do as you want them to do to you. Help, than you can - in a word, deed, thought. Welcome - the main measure of the relationship.
  • The content of the main animals should be the principle of "we are responsible for those we have tamed." The responsibility for the behavior of animals in the settlement are their owners.

# 120 Krasnodar region Sinegorye-Vedrussiya
Krasnodar Territory, Seversky. 

By 2007, almost all the plots were distributed to the estate. Near the village is located Sinegorye: Azov, Ubinskaya, Derbent, urban Ilsky village. From the family estate to Il'sky 10-15 minute walk to the Azov 15-20 minutes

t. 89189230503 

"Neighbourly discussions in Chelyabinsk."

ImageSettlement Oriana

Kin's domains (family estates) is a national idea of Russia

At the end of the last century Anastasia from the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" book series inspired people to create family estates (Kin's domains) which has turned into great national movement with more than 300 Kin's settlements developing now in Russia alone.

"Vedrussia (Sinegorie)" is number 120 in the above list.

Vedrussia (Sinegorie) is one of the biggest Kin's settlements in Russia, with 270 families owning 550 hectares of land. Every year they have a few festivals, gatherings and celebrations - Arts and Crafts, All-Earth Day, Soulmates etc - and here (in media section below) you can enjoy some photos and video about festivals and life in the Kin's settlement.

Vedrussia (Sinegorie) website (in Russian):
Use Google Translate (not always accurate):

For the year 2016 they plan to have 6 festivals (gatherings):

1) "Dancing Russia" in Vedrussia Kin's settlement, June 2 - 5,
2) Summer solstice Festival in Vedrussia Kins settlement, June 14 - 20.
3) "From Heart to heart" in Vozrozhdenie, Gelendzhik region, June 17 - 23,
4) Festival of Art of Craft in Vedrussia Kins settlement, August 19 - 26.
5) Two Hearts - One Melody (Soulmates gathering), September 16 - 21
6) Annual Festival of Positive Creation in Vozrozhdenie, Gelendzhik region, September 21 - 28. It is the most famous and popular Festival (gathering upto 3000 like-minded people) will take place on Zhane river (Vozrozhdenie village, Gelendzhik region) in September 21st to 28th.

If you want to join a Festival please contact Yury at radaryu@gmail.com

Yury's website:

Russian "Far hectare" legal document May 1, 2016 - in Russian

Для качественной печати: текущая страница в формате TIFF

Federal law from 05/01/2016 number 119-FZ "On the Specifics of the citizens of the land plots owned by the state or municipal property and located on the territory of the Russian Federation, members of the Far Eastern Federal District, and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"

Publication date: 02/05/2016
81 pages

- - - -

Федеральный закон от 01.05.2016 № 119-ФЗ "Об особенностях предоставления гражданам земельных участков, находящихся в государственной или муниципальной собственности и расположенных на территориях субъектов Российской Федерации, входящих в состав Дальневосточного федерального округа, и о внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации"
Дата опубликования: 02.05.2016
81 страницы


Pdf.  http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/GetFile/0001201605020007?type=pdf  (Russian)

Print document:
http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201605020007?index=0&rangeSize=1#print   (Russian)

Image - Udmurtia can get free a hectare of land in the Far East.

Monday 6 June 2016

Anastasia in "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" talks about the 1 hectare

The following translation was done by Google Translate

Published on Jan 8, 2016

In August 2015, Stefan interviewed Rita, who lives, together with her husband, in Russia on their family homestead. Rita revealed profound insights and experiences she gained over the last years, living on her land. This Interview is a must watch for all people who read the Anastasia books(ringing cedars of Russia) or who are interested in creating their own family homestead and live happily.

Enjoy 35 Minutes with Stefan and Rita and get inspired, lifted up and happy! :)

To order the Anastasia books please go to http://loveproductions.org/english/shop

What is the family estate?

( Excerpts from the book Megre "Creation" )

Please choose thee of all places on earth your friendly, you'll like the place. The place where you want to live. In which children could wish for, and their live their lives. And their grandchildren you will be a good memory. In the climate of a place for you to be favorable. At the point in the century, one hectare of land currently take.

What actions could be yours when you are on their land will stand?


Instead, a plurality of pillars, subsequently decaying trees to plant. plant bushes impassable between them. What a beautiful fence can get. All of it will be a little different. And everyone will enjoy the sight. And remember the centuries creator nice fence descendants will, and for the repair of their time will not distract the fence and bring benefit. Not only as a fence is a function of it. One need to make the fence of birches growing in number. Another oak. And someone in the creative impulse of color, like a fairy tale, make the fence.

Colorful trees planted. Birches, maple, and oak, and cedar. Vpletёt rowan tree with clusters, glowing red color between them still jailed and viburnum. Cherries, lilacs will provide a place. After all you can think originally. Watch everyone needs as it grows in height, as the blooms in spring, the smell and the public to itself attracts birds. And your fence will be singing, fragrant, and your eyes will never tire, every day changing the halftone his paintings. It flowers in spring bloom, the blaze of autumn color.

To quickly project conceived to embody in life may plow a furrow along the perimeter of the site to dig, and put the plants in it.Once all the plants and seeds to plant a bush that you have decided to plant the trees. Then plow again next go and fill the earth. When else will not rammed earth, correct, align the ticker in each of the seedlings.

Lot  [Which plot of land?]

Intuitively, one can feel that would be appropriate, and children and grandchildren bring joy to him. Unified planning can not be.It is individual as the creator-artist is a great picture. It is at everyone.

Land on our wasteland.

Vacant lot enclosed by a living fence. More three-quarters il half zaymёm come under forest, plant a different tree in it. At the edge of the forest, with the remaining land that adjoins, plant a hedge of shrubs such, that did not pass through them, animal and vegetable garden with crops trampled. In the forest of seedlings alive, planted close to each other, erecting a corral, where then will live, for example, goat il two. More from seedlings and prepare to build a shelter for chickens-laying hens.

In the garden dig a shallow pond , the size of hundreds of two.

Among the forest trees, bushes of raspberries and currants planted along the edge of the strawberries. Back in the woods, and then, when the trees grow up a little, three empty deck to put the bees among the branches. of trees Arbor will land where you are with friends or with children, sheltered from the heat, you can communicate. And prepare to build a bedroom summer live, and your creative workshop. And a bedroom for the children and a guest.

Between the trees, bushes, think how to apply them to the delights of his life. But trees do not allow grasses and bushes grow between them, and this you can consider for your future home living. You all need to ask how to program and adjust it to taste her. Cherish, delight you, your children, and all that is in the county by the host site, nurture and feed.

Vegetable garden too, can be done so that it will not bother you much. Here you need to just watch. Between herbs like everything growing in the forest could grow cotton and vegetables, the finest tomatoes, cucumbers. Their taste is much more pleasant you will benefit more than bring the body when there is not a bare land.

There are generally useless in nature, and no unwanted weeds. No beetles and injuring a man.

How can every year in the same place stubbornly plowing, harrowing the ground? Like a wound unhealed pull scrapers, while demanding that the grace of healing grows up. Colorado beetle or grasshoppers to the area that you paint, we do not touches.When in harmony grows up all the great, the harmonious and fruit growers are.


Not worth the effort too much to spend and build a house big and too durable.

Grandchildren when vzrastut, make sure you understand what kind of material for the house of all the earth pomyslennyh for them nicer, stronger and more useful will. And you have now no such material. Grandchildren build a wooden house of the trees that they planted more grandfather, and my father and mother loved. That house is to treat, protect from evil spirits and inspire them to become brighter. The great energy of love in that house will live.

love space

Not fastidious love and obstinate, it tends to divine creation. Forever can warm the person who co-create a space of love with her consent.

Love the space - it is first for the two to be born, then for their children. And children through the three planes of existence will link with the universe entire.

He and she will love to carry out a project that we draw. Plant trees generic, grass, garden. And rejoice, as they are the creation of the spring bloom. Love will live forever between them, in their hearts around. And each will represent each other in spring bloom, remembering with a tree that bloomed, planted. And the taste of raspberry taste of love is remembrance. He is in love to each other branches of autumn raspberries concerned.

The garden is lovely shaded mature fruit. A garden planted with he and she. They planted a garden of love.


Even before birth because formed in many people. And his education with all creation space should contact. That, taken advantage of God, to do his beautiful creations, and his son should not be neglected. The three main points , the first three planes of being, parents should submit his Creation.

That is the first point of a person's birth, her name - parent thought.

Planting family tree by parents of future first point determines the world call upon to help them for the creation of the future is the point. It is needed! It is important! And most of all it is inherent to God! It is the proof that you are going to do like him! He, the Creator of the Great! And he will enjoy the meaningfulness of his son and his daughter.

Second point , or rather, the plan is another human is born, the sky will light a new star, when in love, and with thoughts of the beautiful creations of two bodies merge into a single place where you build a house you paradise and live for the future of their child.

Then in the place nine months to live shall conceive a wife. And it is better if these months are spring flowering, the fragrance of summer, autumn fruits. Where other than joy, pleasant sensations, nothing it does not distract. Where the sound of a divine creation surround his wife, which really lived a beautiful creation. He lives and the entire universe feels himself. And to see the future stars of the mother should. And all the stars and all the planets in mind to give him, his beautiful baby, the mother can easily do it all, she is still a force. And yet the thought of the mother followed without delay. And space is a faithful servant in love two beautiful creations.

And the third point , the new plan in place should get. Where the child was conceived, there are birth and should happen. And next to be the father. And over the three of exalt the crown of the great Father who loves us all.


This is a place with great joy met you used. Kohl flesh of your sick, it would be cured flesh. Kolya's soul - the soul cured. And feed, drink tired you. Embracing the dream a calm and joyous daybreak awakened. But like many people, living on earth today, you have no such place. There is your homeland, where planes of being can come together.

Life goes on, and everyone is given a wonderful lifestyle to create any moment.

It would be the elderly, the children of his apology. And sincerely apologize for the fact that a world without troubles they have failed to provide. For dirty water, with the air opaque.

And let the real hand of an aging house alive and begin to build a children matured. Extend the life of the days of the old men, as soon as such an idea they would be born. And when a homeland to touch the elderly, and children to return to him his hand.And let the house can not fully grow old, but can their children at home to bury her, thus they help to revive again. In the grove, with their hand-set. A man-made monuments they do not need. After all, the memory of them will serve as everything around.And every day to remind them not sadly - joyfully everything around you will be. And kind of immortal will be yours, because only the memory of the good returns on the ground of the soul.

Original article:  http://www.anastasia.ru/patrimony/


Russian Federal law passed May 2, 2016 re: "Far hectare" land

Russia&#39;s President Vladimir Putin addresses a joint session of parliament in the Kremlin in Moscow, on March 18, 2014

Please note: This original document is in Russian. It was translated using Google Translate. Therefore: there may be errors of various kinds in this translation - of grammar, of meaning, of words and of idiomatic usage - that get lost in translation.  eg: The word "rent" is one of these. The actual meaning is "land tax". This was corrected by a native Russian speaker when I asked him about this oddity. So please use this translation as a guide. It has not been translated by a native speaker of Russian. Thank you.

Document Overview
May 4, 2016

Federal Law of May 1, 2016 N 119-FZ "On the Specifics of the citizens of the land plots owned by the state or municipal property and located on the territory of the Russian Federation, members of the Far Eastern Federal District, and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation."

Russian President signed the Law of the Far hectare.

Settle the issue of land to Russians in the Far Eastern Federal District.

A citizen is entitled to receive once the gratuitous use of an area of ​​up to 1 hectare [of land] for 5 years in a simplified procedure for the conduct of any activity not prohibited by law. This site belongs to one or the value is not a category of land (except for some of the restrictions provided for forest). After this period and subject to certain conditions land can be issued to the property [personal estate ?] (whether paid or not) or for rent land tax.


You can apply in Vol. H. Through the Internet.


Prescribe [carry out] the procedure to conclude the agreement for the site. Secured grounds for refusing it. For example, if the requested site is reserved (withdrawn) for state or municipal needs or against him decided to hold an auction. Another reason - a site located within the boundaries of advancing social and economic development, special economic zones or territorial development zones.

In case of death of a citizen, with whom a contract for gratuitous use of land, its rights and obligations under this agreement are transferred to the successor.

If twenty or more citizens provided areas that are adjacent and (or) compactly arranged and located within the boundaries of the village or at a distance of not more than 20 km away, the bodies of state power and local self-government shall facilitate the arrangement of the territory where there are such areas, by construction of communal, transport and social infrastructure.

Made consequential amendments to the law on state registration of rights, RF LC, LC Russian Federation and some other acts.

Applications for land taken from the June 1, 2016. At the same time up to February 1, 2017 they can apply only to citizens living in the region, which is the requested site.

[Meaning: June 1, 2016 onwards, citizens living within one of the nine Far East regions can apply for 1 hectare within that region where they live. From October 1, 2016, citizens living in any region in the Far East can apply for 1 hectare in any other Far East region. From February 1, 2017, any citizen within all of Russia can apply for 1 hectare in any Far East region. This also applies to "naturalized citizens" who have migrated to Russia from another country. I don't know how long the process takes to become naturalized or what it involves.]

Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

To view the actual text of the document and complete information on the entry into force, and changes the order of the document, use the search in the Internet version of the safeguards system:

[ presumably this website: https://xn--80aaggvgieoeoa2bo7l.xn--p1ai/ ]

Federal Law of May 1, 2016 N 119-FZ "On the Specifics of the citizens of the land plots owned by the state or municipal property and located on the territory of the Russian Federation, members of the Far Eastern Federal District, and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation "

On GARANT.RU  http://www.garant.ru/hotlaw/federal/722924/#ixzz4ApMZ6RhF

Sunday 5 June 2016

Answer: Do people have to pay rent for the land, after 5 years?

This article follows on from yesterday's article entitled:
Question: Do people have to pay rent for the land, after 5 years?

Image - Settlement "Kuzminovskaya Sloboda"

Here is a reply from Yuri Smirnov who lives in Russia, dated May 5, 2016. This helps ourselves in the rest of the world understand what the Russian system is  :)  Yuri says:

"There is no rent to pay on the free land at all. Here we better use another word - "land tax". Usual land tax will be charged after 5 years of land use. It is not big money - about 0.3 % of the official cost of the land per year for the land entitled [designated] for agricultural purposes."

+ + + + +

Please click on the link to see quotations from Russian news media and politicians stating that there may be "rent" to pay on the "Far hectare" properties.

This word "rent" was derived from Google Translate, as all of these original sources were published in the Russian language. Therefore, this is a classic case of key ideas being "Lost in translation" !! Most definitely !!

(Sorry about that Yuri. I should have come straight to you first. I'll know for next time something 'strange' appears in Google Translate!)  :)

What Google Translate needed to say was "Land Tax" or "Rates". We would call this "Rates" here in New Zealand and probably by other names in different countries. From reading other articles in the Russian language we find this "Land Tax" may be lifted entirely from the "kins domains" in Russia - which is probably also why there's some hesitation in the local Russian news reports of there being any "land tax" (aka "rent") at all !!  That's probably because, right now, the Russian Duma is deciding on a new law that would make "kins domains" land in Russia, free of any "land tax", because only properties designated "agricultural" pays "land tax".

Article here:

Image - Settlement "Kuzminovskaya Sloboda"

How wonderful !!!  Especially for people who are already on their kins domain in Russia. This would take one more financial burden off the people who have already settled onto the land. This isn't passed in law yet, but by the way things are developing in Russia, i'm sure it will get passed  :)

The bill put forward in the Duma is about changing the status of these 1 hectare plots from "Agricultural Land" to "Land Settlements". Then there will be no "Land Tax" to pay. I have yet to clarify this point with Yuri, but this is what the Russian article about this bill seems to be saying.

This might be why these Russian language news releases keep saying things like: "Later, after a 5-year period, according to the decision of the authorized body, portion may be transferred to the citizen as a property (for a fee or free) or rented," as seen here:

This translation by Google Translate has created some confusion.
Sorry about that  :(

Here's some more about the new law currently being discussed:
On May 24, 2016 the Bill was still in its first reading. The new legislation (if passed) will change the status of the Russian "kins domains" from "Agricultural" to "Settlement" land  :)  Therefore:  No land tax  :)  Good news !!

Please note:  "Kins domains" to ourselves in the West is called "Patrimony" or "Family Estates" by the Russian readers of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" books.

Image -  Settlement "Kuzminovskaya Sloboda"

Here is the continuation of the conversation after the following question was raised:
"I am wondering the land is for 5 years free, but after that you have to pay rent?"

I still think it's a conversation worth reading and a perspective worth reflecting upon...  ie: Of people on the "Far hectare" land working in with local authorities with an aim of uplifting the whole Far East region  :)

BronnyNZ Administrator on the Anastasia-Vladimir Megre facebook Page said - It looks like they [the Russian authorities] are undecided. This is a pilot - first trial. So I guess the regional administration will decide if people's produce and handcrafts are bringing enough tourist dollars into the region [for example]. If trade is happening, I suspect the land will stay rent free.

Updated May 5, 2016:  I now understand this is about "land tax" and not "rent". I also now understand that this is not dependent on any "production of goods" whatsoever, but on whether the new law being discussed gets passed or not. My apologies for my wrong assumptions previously. I won't delete the following part of the conversation, as I still think the ideas apply, as Anastasia points out to us in the books. We now see the purpose of such production is more about "education" for the rest of the world - so the rest of the world can find out about the "Ringing Cedars" books - and less about 'revenue gathering' for the Far East administration... although I feel this is still needed, to help build up the region.

Please read the rest of this article on the link below. The discussion continues after the second image on this link:  http://humanitytakebackyourland.blogspot.co.nz/2016/06/question-do-people-have-to-pay-rent-for.html

Image Settlement "Kuzminovskaya Sloboda"

Saturday 4 June 2016

Question: Do people have to pay rent for the land, after 5 years?

Image - Village near Lake Baikal

This question came up from one of the readers on Facebook Page "Anastasia-Vladimir Megre".  

Question: I am wondering the land is for 5 year free but after that you have to pay rent?

The question arises out of Russian legislation and what we see published in Russian news sources:

Example 1.  See under "Notes" on this weblink. 

(Following is a Google Translate translation, so it might not be 100% accurate in its interpretation.)

4.  With proper use of the land, after five years it can be provided in the property or rent. forest lands are only available for rent, the property is possible after 10 years of lease forest land.

Example 2.  See questions on this weblink

(Following is a Google Translate translation, so it might not be 100% accurate in its interpretation.)

Whether land is transferred for an everlasting possession?
If the land is idle and not used for other purposes, after five years of land may be granted to the property. With the exception of forest land - at first only be available for rent. To get into the ownership of the forest, you will need to rent a plot for at least 10 years.

Note:  Perhaps it's only forest land you have to pay rent for.

Example 3.  See Valery Timoshenko in the first paragraph on this weblink

(Following is a Google Translate translation, so it might not be 100% accurate in its interpretation.)

Later, after a 5-year period, according to the decision of the authorized body, portion may be transferred to the citizen as a property (for a fee or free) or rented.

Example 4.  Further down, on the same weblink above, it says:

Russian President signed the Law of the Far hectare.

Settle the issue of land to Russians in the Far Eastern Federal District.

A citizen is entitled to receive once the gratuitous [free] use of an area of ​​up to 1 hectare for 5 years in a simplified procedure for the conduct of any activity not prohibited by law. This site belongs to one or the value is not a category of land (except for some of the restrictions provided for forest). After this period and subject to certain conditions land can be issued to the property (whether paid or not) or for rent.

Example 5.  See the third paragraph on this weblink
Square [brackets] are this blogger's additions.
(Following is a Google Translate translation, so it might not be 100% accurate in its interpretation.)

The site [land] will be available for free use for five years, then it will be possible to arrange to rent [I think it's always free] or to get the property. Moreover, if the land is not used, it may withdraw [and be given to somebody else].

 Image - When readers of Vladimir Megré's Ringing Cedars of Russia books open the first volume, they come upon the concept of a dacha...

Do you have to pay rent on your "free land"?

I cannot speak for anyone at all, but it appears that the first 5 years are entirely free, then there might be some rental arrangement made (possibly) after that. It looks like this is not decided yet. Here is the continuation of the conversation after this question was raised:  
"I am wondering the land is for 5 year free but after that you have to pay rent?"

BronnyNZ (Facebook Page Administrator) said
It looks like they're undecided. This is a pilot - first trial. So I guess the regional administration will decide if people's produce and handcrafts are bringing enough tourist dollars into the region. If trade is happening, I suspect the land will stay rent free. I made some comments about this yesterday on the blog...  (below)

>>  Blog author (BronnyNZ) said - 
"The way I see it is this: If people work well on the land and in harmony with it, and produce good surpluses of not only food - organic fruit and vegetables, cheese, nuts, berries, herbs, eggs... and also of folk art, cedar oil, cedar pendants and pine nuts, hand crafts such as pottery, glassware, sculpting, painting, photography, frame-making, candle-making, wrought iron work, electronics, wood-turning, carving, weaving, knitting, dress-making and so on, according to one's gifts and knowledge... then these products can be sold at local farmers' markets where tourists will flock - just as Anastasia said would happen. Tourist will want to see the developments and products of the "Far hectare" properties in Russia. The US Pacific seaboard is very close to the Russian Far East region. Many people from the US and Asia would want to come and take their holidays in the region, once there are enough nice markets, restaurants, dance troupes and adventure tourism ventures up and running. Bulk amounts of good quality surplus produced of non-perishable kind could be shipped abroad from the new port at Vladivostok. This was always part of the government's plan and why they wanted to open up land in the Far East first - because of the accessibility from Vladivostock to dozens of ports throughout the Pacific basin. The items created by the people on "family estates" would be well-received in overseas markets that are currently overwhelmed with mass-produced, cheap plastic items that have little aesthetic appeal. 

Therefore, if the people of the "Far hectare" land request (gift) programme work intelligently and creatively, and continually improve the economic outcomes for the Far East region through using the methods that Anastasia shows us, I feel it is more likely that there will be no rent asked for, in return for the habitation of that land. The tourist dollar being returned to the Far East region by way of taxes, would be payment enough for the use of the land. This is my opinion anyway. If a family can show they are contributing well to the local economy directly and through exporting non-perishable goods they have created, this would make a very good case for continued use of their land free of charge - Would it not? 

One of the considerations of the free "Far hectare" legislation is that the region is genuinely suffering and struggling - economically, in infrastructure that needs to be put in or up-graded, and because of the large numbers of people who have already left the area. The whole of the Far East needs to be built up again, by all accounts. The Ringing Cedars readers who migrate to the Far East can help alleviate these difficulties, by working with the authorities and doing their best, and together co-creating a thriving, wonderful region that all of Russia and all of the world can be proud of. 

We are with you - to whomever is called. We are all in this together. We are only an e-mail, a Skype, or a Facebook post away. We are now a global family. Your pain is my pain. Your struggle is my struggle. Your joy is my joy. Your triumph and success is also my triumph and success. We are all in this together. We work together for the most beneficial outcomes for the whole world - a "garden paradise" where all are able to live free from fear, and as brothers and sisters of each other. That's my thoughts anyway, on paying rent. Work intelligently. Work wisely. And there will be no rent." 

- Bronwyn Llewellyn aka "BronnyNZ", New Zealand "Ringing Cedars" reader.

Response by Miso:  
But if that happens and so much economy and money come in then possibility of starting the circle of greed for money and economic development, like in modern society, will again come. It will attract those who are already doing that now and destroying our planet and it will possibly infect also those who try honestly to avoid that. That is human nature. What I could understand from books I have red till now, Anastasia wants people to go back to simple living close to nature and not developing any kind of money making machine in the name of economic development. This is what I see about her idea. She wants us to go back to basics and forget about modern style of living. If tourists start to come, if restaurants and hotels start to open, road will start to build and so many other things will be attracted to that and all circle will start again. That's not what we want, we don't want cars, hotels, restaurants and crowd. We want simple living without modern greed and economic development. At least that is what I like and what I read so far in the books Thank you

BronnyNZ (Facebook Page Administrator) said
The answer is "No". There will be no "starting the circle of greed for money and economic development". The Far East region is very under-developed and extremely under-populated. It needs an injection of money into the economy so the administration can even start to build "essential services" such as hospitals and public amenities, and employ people like forest rangers and conservation officers. Currently, the situation is precarious and poaching of fisheries is happening - killing sturgeon for caviar in the Amur River for example - so bringing money into the Far East so the administration can set these services up, is of benefit to all people and animal populations. Please remember... The members of the Duma - the Russian Parliament - have read the Ringing Cedars books. This is very apparent from the fact that laws are being written in direct alignment with what Anastasia says in the books. I'm positive that the ultimate goal will be for "no money" transactions throughout the country. While there is still a global monetary system, this still necessitates the need to keep money in use, for now. If you look at two of my latest articles on the history of the dacha, you will see how people in Russia have a long tradition of trading without money. These things are already in place within the Russian culture and psyche. See these two articles:

The Russian "dacha" or "summer house garden plot" - A history
The Russian dacha... A little more history.


Please remember how Anastasia said there would be tourists coming to look at the "Family Estates". This necessitates "buses, restaurants and hotels." There will be crowds... but only in the vicinity of the local shops selling the village's produce and wares -
  • a large fruit and vegetable shop (organic)
  • a flower and "small" gifts (memorabilia) shop
  • some shops selling larger items such as musical instruments, clothing, hats, shoes, woven baskets. blankets, pottery, window coverings and embroidered items - all in a Russian style or typical to that area or settlement. 
  • a "hardware" shop where there would be garden tools made by people in the community, organic seeds, plants and saplings, garden ornaments, handmade lattice fencing, wrought iron work, leather craft - saddles, bridles, and such... winter boots and heavy oil-skin coats... 

There would also need to be "eating houses" - 

  • at least one type of shop would sell sweet treats, breads and cheeses of a traditional Russian type - plus ice cream to "take out", yoghurt, pastry goods, sweeties, non-alcoholic ginger beer and raspberry cordial - sealed in glass bottles that can be washed and used again... 
  • the other type would be "sit down" restaurants serving Russian borscht and other traditional Russian fare and interesting exciting organic-produce salads - sweet fruit salads and savory green leafy ones. 

Image - Golden Khokhloma - brightest phenomenon of Russian folk arts

Who would look after these various shops?

By estimation, in a fully-occupied village of 100 families, there would need to be around 5-6 shops and eating houses in the village, open from 10am - 4pm every day for when the buses come through. So in a village with around 300 adults in it (including older teenage children) there would have to be a roster of around 25-30 people every day "employed" (not for money) who take rubles from the tourists. This money would then go directly into future Village developments for the good of everybody.  People could choose how they want to be rostered. eg: "every Monday", or "four days this week and the next three weeks off."

Educating tourists

The 'crowds' will not be allowed to wander around the villages at their own leisure. Buses would drive past very slowly so that tourists could catch a glimpse of the "Ringing Cedars" people working in their gardens, tending beehives, walking along the tree-lined allees, riding horses up and down the wide grassy road-side strips. They would see people milking goats that are tethered at the roadside, or taking children for a "nature study lesson" out on the open ground. Tourists would only be able to catch glimpses of the "Family Estates" in between the berry bushes and fruiting trees that make up the "living fences". Bus drivers would have to be observant to take specified routes in the village. Some residents wouldn't want to see or hear these buses at all. In the 3-4 months over winter, there would be no buses. So all shop work would cease as well.

2011. RUSSIA. Valday Region.  In the dacha village of Nertsi, Evgeny and his son German, pump water into an old bathtub so that they can water their garden.

Allowing tourists to travel through encourages all of the world to come and look at the "family estates". This is to help them understand Anastasia's "dream" and to inspire them to co-create exactly the same circumstances in their own country - in their own state or province - in their own neighbourhood.  It starts with individual people first, whoever is inclined to start using their land in the way that Anastasia talks about.

There are no "saviours".  One must "save" one's self, and become the answer personally to the manifold problems in our world.  Start small... in your own back yard.  And talk to your neighbour and encourage them to do the same. You then have two of you sharing your garden produce.  Put pressure on your local government, or on your nation's government to start passing laws that make it possible for people to get their land back - in exactly the same way that Anastasia says in "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" books. And then all of humanity will together, create a "pristine garden paradise" on Earth, that sustains us all (everybody on earth), generation after generation.

The things Anastasia tells us to do, is a very good plan for all of humanity.

Image - Author's dacha dwelling built by shipping container conversion.